
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Nicole; Vega” ,找到相关结果约9094条。
Experimental evolution reveals microbial traits for association with the host gut
Nicole M. Vega
- , 2019, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000129
Experimental evolution reveals microbial traits for association with the host gut
Nicole M. Vega
- , 2019, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000129
Abstract: Understanding how microbes adapt to their host is an enduring problem in microbiome ecology, and understanding the microbial traits that allow colonization of the host and increase adaptation to the host environment is of particular interest. In this study, Robinson and colleagues use experimental evolution to demonstrate adaptation of a commensal bacterium to its zebrafish host and describe the changes in phenotype that emerge during this evolutionary process. These results provide insight into the evolutionary problem of host adaptation and demonstrate the utility of simple models for understanding host–microbiome dynamics
Stochastic assembly produces heterogeneous communities in the Caenorhabditis elegans intestine
Jeff Gore,Nicole M. Vega
- , 2017, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2000633
Effect of the application of β-glucans and mannan-oligosaccharides (βG MOS) in an intensive larval rearing system of Paralichthys adspersus (Paralichthydae)
Piaget,Nicole; Vega,Alonso; Silva,Alfonso; Toledo,Pedro;
Investigaciones marinas , 2007, DOI: 10.4067/S0717-71782007000200004
Abstract: for successful rearing of the flounder paralichthys adspersus, it is important to optimize growth and survival in the early larval stages. several authors indicate that the application of β-glucans and mannan-oligosaccharides (βg mos) in rearing water should improve the larval health, diminishing the effects of physiological stress and physical damage that the aquaculture activities cause to the individuals. in order to evaluate the effect of βg mos on p. adspersus incorporation on p. adspersus larval survival and growth in intensive culture, experiments were carried out with six-days post-hatch larvae, which had only just begun to feed on live prey (rotifers), and fifteen-day post-hatch larvae. three treatments were used, applying 5 mg.l-1, 10 mg.l-1, and 15 mg.l-1 of βg mos to the rearing water during the first five days of the experiment and then comparing the results with a control. the results indicate that applications of 5 mg.l-1 of βg mos in the rearing water enhance larval survival and growth with respect to the control, whereas additions of 15 mg.l-1 of βg mos suppressed both of these parameters. this effect increases for larvae that have recently absorbed the yolk sac. an histological analysis of the intestinal epithelium of the larvae suggests that βg mos promotes the expression of monocytes (forerunner cells of macrophages) associated with the non-specific immune system of the fish
Piaget,Nicole; Hernández,Sebastián; Lamilla,Julio; Vega,Alonso;
Gayana (Concepción) , 2005, DOI: 10.4067/S0717-65382005000100021
Abstract: breeding animals is a phenomenon associated to the origins of the modern man. nevertheless, breeding marine species is related to the productive scope through intensive cultures in captivity to mainly commercial aims. this study aims to determine the feasibility of culture of the red spotted catshark, schroederichthys chilensis, through preliminary controlled environment experiences. this species is endemic of the south-eastern pacific and lives from peru (ancon) to southern chile. the egg capsules of red spotted catshark were collected from its natural environment and then were maintained in the wet laboratory. after the hatching of the embryos, the red spotted catshark were maintained in tanks of 200, 500, and 1000 l of seawater with constant water flow and room temperature. the dimensions of the tanks depended on the number and size of the individuals. during the period of captivity, the red spotted catshark were fed with a moisten diet cradle in a mixture of shrimp, squid and meat of fresh fish, enriched with vitamins and minerals. our preliminary results suggest that the red spotted catshark can be able to breed in captivity. the breeding of s. chilensis in captivity is a precedent for the culture of sharks, which can be directed to research, conservation of native populations, and environmental education, among other areas
Nivel óptimo de proteína dietaria para juveniles de lenguado Paralichthys adspersus (Pisces: Pleuronectiformes)
Piaget,Nicole; Toledo,Pedro; Silva,Alfonso; Vega,Alonso;
Revista de biología marina y oceanografía , 2011, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-19572011000100002
Abstract: this study establishes the dietary protein level for maximum growth in paralichthys adspersus juveniles. according with this purpose, three diets based on fish meal were formulated with increasing protein levels (48, 57 and 60%), which were compared with a commercial diet (54% protein; biomar s.a.). furthermore, the optimal protein level were determined and compared through bioassays using growth indicators, fitness, and regression analysis. a total of 156 juveniles (131.3 ± 23 g), separated in 13 individuals per group, were maintained in black conical tanks with a flat base, with 5.5 kg m-2 initial densities, and with a circulation system of open water for 175 days. the fish were fed daily to satiety twice per day with diets based on fish meal and oil, starch, vitamins and minerals. based on the results of this study, we conclude that the optimal dietary protein level was obtained in diets with 54 and 57% of protein. if production costs are prioritized in flounder culture, the 54% protein diet is optimal for juveniles. however, considering the flounder growth, then 57% protein diet contains the optimal level. this study is a precedent for further research on the nutritional requirements of p. adspersus in order to improve their growth in captivity.
Nicole Piaget,Sebastián Hernández,Julio Lamilla,Alonso Vega
Gayana (Concepción) , 2005,
Abstract: La crianza de animales es un fenómeno asociado a los orígenes del hombre moderno. Sin embargo, la crianza de especies marinas está relacionada con la producción intensiva en cultivo con fines comerciales. Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la factibilidad de crianza de Schroederichthys chilensis, la pintarroja común, a través de experiencias preliminares en ambiente controlado. Esta especie, endémica del Pacífico Sur-oriental, habita desde Perú (Ancón) hasta Chile Austral, preferentemente en aguas someras. Se colectaron cápsulas con huevos de pintarroja del medio natural, los cuales fueron mantenidos en un laboratorio húmedo. Después de la eclosión, las pintarrojas fueron criadas en estanques de 200, 500 y 1000 L de agua de mar, con flujo de agua constante y temperatura ambiente. Las dimensiones de los estanques utilizados dependieron del número y de la talla de los individuos. Durante el período de crianza en cautiverio las pintarrojas fueron alimentadas con una dieta húmeda, basada en una mezcla de harina de pescado, camarones, jibia y carne de pescado fresco, enriquecida con vitaminas y minerales. Nuestros resultados preliminares sugieren que las pintarrojas pueden ser criadas en cautiverio. La crianza de S. chilensis en cautiverio es un precedente para el cultivo de tiburones, los cuales pueden ser dirigidos, entre otras áreas y objetivos, a la investigación, a la conservación de poblaciones nativas y a la educación ambiental Breeding animals is a phenomenon associated to the origins of the modern man. Nevertheless, breeding marine species is related to the productive scope through intensive cultures in captivity to mainly commercial aims. This study aims to determine the feasibility of culture of the red spotted catshark, Schroederichthys chilensis, through preliminary controlled environment experiences. This species is endemic of the South-Eastern Pacific and lives from Peru (Ancon) to Southern Chile. The egg capsules of red spotted catshark were collected from its natural environment and then were maintained in the wet laboratory. After the hatching of the embryos, the red spotted catshark were maintained in tanks of 200, 500, and 1000 L of seawater with constant water flow and room temperature. The dimensions of the tanks depended on the number and size of the individuals. During the period of captivity, the red spotted catshark were fed with a moisten diet cradle in a mixture of shrimp, squid and meat of fresh fish, enriched with vitamins and minerals. Our preliminary results suggest that the red spotted catshark can be able to breed i
Effect of the application of β-glucans and mannan-oligosaccharides (βG MOS) in an intensive larval rearing system of Paralichthys adspersus (Paralichthydae) Efecto de la aplicación de β-glucanos y manano-oligosacáridos (βG MOS) en un sistema de cultivo intensivo de larvas de Paralichthys adspersus (Paralichthydae)
Nicole Piaget,Alonso Vega,Alfonso Silva,Pedro Toledo
Investigaciones Marinas , 2007,
Abstract: For successful rearing of the flounder Paralichthys adspersus, it is important to optimize growth and survival in the early larval stages. Several authors indicate that the application of β-glucans and mannan-oligosaccharides (βG MOS) in rearing water should improve the larval health, diminishing the effects of physiological stress and physical damage that the aquaculture activities cause to the individuals. In order to evaluate the effect of βG MOS on P. adspersus incorporation on P. adspersus larval survival and growth in intensive culture, experiments were carried out with six-days post-hatch larvae, which had only just begun to feed on live prey (rotifers), and fifteen-day post-hatch larvae. Three treatments were used, applying 5 mg.L-1, 10 mg.L-1, and 15 mg.L-1 of βG MOS to the rearing water during the first five days of the experiment and then comparing the results with a control. The results indicate that applications of 5 mg.L-1 of βG MOS in the rearing water enhance larval survival and growth with respect to the control, whereas additions of 15 mg.L-1 of βG MOS suppressed both of these parameters. This effect increases for larvae that have recently absorbed the yolk sac. An histological analysis of the intestinal epithelium of the larvae suggests that βG MOS promotes the expression of monocytes (forerunner cells of macrophages) associated with the non-specific immune system of the fish Para el éxito del cultivo del lenguado Paralichthys adspersus es importante optimizar el crecimiento y la supervivencia en los primeros estadios de desarrollo larval. Diversos autores se alan que la aplicación de B-glucanos y manano-oligosacáridos (βG MOS) en el agua de cultivo debería mejorar la salud de las larvas, disminuyendo los efectos del estrés fisiológico y el da o físico de los individuos causado por las actividades propias de la acuicultura. Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de la incorporación del βG MOS en la supervivencia y el crecimiento de larvas de P. adspersus en cultivos intensivos, se realizaron experimentos utilizando larvas de seis días post-eclosión que recién han comenzado la alimentación con presas vivas (rotíferos) y larvas de quince días post-eclosión. Tres tratamientos aplicando 5 mg.L-1, 10 mg.L-1 y 15 mg.L-1 de βG MOS al agua de cultivo fueron contrastados durante los primeros cinco días de experimentación con una condición control. Los resultados indican que aplicar 5 mg.L-1 de βG MOS en el agua de cultivo aumenta la supervivencia y el crecimiento de las larvas con respecto al control, mientras que 15 mg.L-1 de βG MOS tiene un ef
Equity-Oriented Monitoring in the Context of Universal Health Coverage
Ahmad Reza Hosseinpoor ,Nicole Bergen,Theadora Koller,Amit Prasad,Anne Schlotheuber,Nicole Valentine,John Lynch,Jeanette Vega
PLOS Medicine , 2014, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001727
Abstract: Monitoring inequalities in health is fundamental to the equitable and progressive realization of universal health coverage (UHC). A successful approach to global inequality monitoring must be intuitive enough for widespread adoption, yet maintain technical credibility. This article discusses methodological considerations for equity-oriented monitoring of UHC, and proposes recommendations for monitoring and target setting. Inequality is multidimensional, such that the extent of inequality may vary considerably across different dimensions such as economic status, education, sex, and urban/rural residence. Hence, global monitoring should include complementary dimensions of inequality (such as economic status and urban/rural residence) as well as sex. For a given dimension of inequality, subgroups for monitoring must be formulated taking into consideration applicability of the criteria across countries and subgroup heterogeneity. For economic-related inequality, we recommend forming subgroups as quintiles, and for urban/rural inequality we recommend a binary categorization. Inequality spans populations, thus appropriate approaches to monitoring should be based on comparisons between two subgroups (gap approach) or across multiple subgroups (whole spectrum approach). When measuring inequality absolute and relative measures should be reported together, along with disaggregated data; inequality should be reported alongside the national average. We recommend targets based on proportional reductions in absolute inequality across populations. Building capacity for health inequality monitoring is timely, relevant, and important. The development of high-quality health information systems, including data collection, analysis, interpretation, and reporting practices that are linked to review and evaluation cycles across health systems, will enable effective global and national health inequality monitoring. These actions will support equity-oriented progressive realization of UHC.
The Battle to Reduce Maternal Deaths in Southern Lima.
PLOS Medicine , 2006,

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